Unraveling NFL Win Probability Graphs to Find the Best Games

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of ESPN’s NFL game recap page is the win probability graph that they’ve included in the bottom left corner since the 2016 season. Without knowing anything else about the game, one could follow the twists and turns on this chart to relive all the exciting moments (if there were any).

In fact there’s a metric called the Excitement Index which adds up all the absolute changes in win probability to arrive at a single number that expresses a contest’s cumulative drama. You can think of the Excitement Index as pulling the win probability graph’s jagged path until it’s a tight horizontal line and then measuring its length. So can we retrieve all these win probability graphs in order to calculate and visualize their Excitement Index?

options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)

First we have to collect ESPN’s gamecast webpages and arrange them in a logical file structure. Since web-scraping is not the point of this blogpost and a somewhat questionable act to begin with, I won’t include the code that fetches each webpage. Feel free to message me if you’d like some help building a scraper.

Once we have the raw HTML, we can sift through it to gather the information we need. In particular, the away and home team identities are not too hard to find, along with their logos. The raw data for the win probability chart is hardcoded as a JSON object in one of the page’s accompanying scripts:

setwd("/Users/walkerharrison/Desktop/ESPN WinProb/")
html_files <- list.files(recursive = T)

dfs <- map(html_files, ~ {
  year <- .x %>%
    str_extract("(?<=eason/)\\d+") %>%
  season <- str_extract(.x, "[^/]+(?=/)")
  week <- .x %>%
    str_extract("(?<=Week\\s)\\d+") %>%
  game <- .x %>%
    str_extract("\\d+(?=\\.html)") %>%
  page <- read_html(.x)
  away <- page %>%
    html_nodes("body") %>%
    html_nodes(".away") %>%
    html_nodes(".short-name") %>%
  home <- page %>%
    html_nodes("body") %>%
    html_nodes(".home") %>%
    html_nodes(".short-name") %>%
  away_logo <- page %>%
    html_nodes("body") %>%
    html_nodes(".away") %>%
    html_nodes(".team-logo") %>%
  home_logo <- page %>%
    html_nodes("body") %>%
    html_nodes(".home") %>%
    html_nodes(".team-logo") %>%
  probability_data <- page %>%
    html_nodes("script") %>%
    keep(~str_detect(html_text(.x), "probability.data")) %>%
    html_text() %>%
    str_extract("probability\\.data.+") %>%
    str_replace("probability.data = ", "") %>%
    substr(1, nchar(.) -1) %>%
    jsonlite::fromJSON(flatten = TRUE)
  payload <- data.frame(year = year,
                        season = season,
                        week = week,
                        game = game,
                        home = home,
                        away = away,
                        home_logo = home_logo,
                        away_logo = away_logo)
  if(length(probability_data) != 0) {
    payload <- probability_data %>%
      mutate(year = year,
             season = season,
             week = week,
             game = game,
             home = home,
             away = away,
             home_logo = home_logo,
             away_logo = away_logo,
             play_number = row_number())

We bind these dataframes together to create our master list, all_plays, and do a little bit of cleaning to weed out bad data – specifically, the first filter makes sure that the scores are non-decreasing, since occasionally a penalty-negated score will be momentarily counted, and the second filter stipulates that once a graph reaches 0% or 100% win probability, that game is over. The all important change variable is simply the (absolute) delta between the previous home win probability and the current one.

all_plays <- bind_rows(dfs) %>%
  arrange(game, play_number) %>%
  group_by(game) %>%
  filter(play.homeScore <= lead(play.homeScore, defaul = Inf),
         play.awayScore <= lead(play.awayScore, default = Inf)) %>%
  filter(lag(cumsum(homeWinPercentage %in% c(0, 1)), default = 0) < 1) %>%
  mutate(change = abs(homeWinPercentage - lag(homeWinPercentage))) %>%

Now for the fun stuff! We aggregate the total change by each game and throw in some other identifying features. Maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise that the two games with the highest Excitement Index in recent years are both overtime ties:

game_EI <- all_plays %>%
  group_by(year, season, week, game, home, home_logo, away, away_logo) %>%
  summarize(home_final_score = max(play.homeScore),
            away_final_score = max(play.awayScore),
            ExcitementIndex = sum(change, na.rm = T)) %>%
  mutate(winner = case_when(
    home_final_score > away_final_score ~ "home",
    home_final_score < away_final_score ~ "away",
    TRUE ~ "tie"
  )) %>%
  arrange(desc(ExcitementIndex)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(score_text = ifelse(home_final_score > away_final_score,
                             paste0(home, " ", home_final_score, ", ", away, " ", away_final_score),
                             paste0(away, " ", away_final_score, ", ", home, " ", home_final_score)))

game_EI %>% 
  filter(season == "Regular Season") %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  select(year, season, week, score_text, ExcitementIndex) %>% 
year season week score_text ExcitementIndex
2020 Regular Season 3 Bengals 23, Eagles 23 14.8690
2016 Regular Season 8 Redskins 27, Bengals 27 14.7430
2020 Regular Season 7 Cardinals 37, Seahawks 34 13.2360
2016 Regular Season 8 Raiders 30, Buccaneers 24 12.9310
2020 Regular Season 5 Saints 30, Chargers 27 12.6710
2021 Regular Season 6 Vikings 34, Panthers 28 12.3731
2018 Regular Season 4 Raiders 45, Browns 42 12.0920
2020 Regular Season 1 Chargers 16, Bengals 13 12.0320
2020 Regular Season 1 Titans 16, Broncos 14 12.0270
2021 Regular Season 6 Cowboys 35, Patriots 29 11.9796

Of course, no one really cares about a Week 3 Bengals game (sorry, Cincy), so let’s also print out the top postseason games, which feature some classic (and sometimes controversial) conference championships:

game_EI %>% 
  filter(season == "Postseason") %>% 
  head(10) %>% 
  select(year, season, week, score_text, ExcitementIndex) %>% 
year season week score_text ExcitementIndex
2019 Postseason 1 Texans 22, Bills 19 10.136
2019 Postseason 1 Vikings 26, Saints 20 9.565
2018 Postseason 3 Rams 26, Saints 23 8.998
2018 Postseason 3 Patriots 37, Chiefs 31 8.814
2018 Postseason 1 Eagles 16, Bears 15 8.153
2017 Postseason 2 Vikings 29, Saints 24 7.983
2018 Postseason 1 Cowboys 24, Seahawks 22 7.962
2017 Postseason 2 Eagles 15, Falcons 10 7.118
2017 Postseason 5 Eagles 41, Patriots 33 7.010
2019 Postseason 1 Titans 20, Patriots 13 7.006

So how do we straighten out a win probability chart to measure its length? First let’s take the original form of that top playoff game:

best_game <- game_EI %>% filter(season == "Postseason") %>% head(1)
plays <- all_plays %>% inner_join(best_game)

plays %>%
  ggplot(aes(play_number, homeWinPercentage)) +
  geom_line() +

What we’re trying to do is “pull” each line segment until it’s horizontal. Another way to think of that is that we have a vector from one win probability to the next lying at an angle determined by the severity of the win probability change. If we slowly reduce that angle to 0, the vector will lie flat with a length of the distance between the original points.

reps <- 10

plays_flattened <- plays %>%
  mutate(homeWinPercentage = 100*homeWinPercentage) %>%
  mutate(change = (lead(homeWinPercentage) - homeWinPercentage)) %>%
  # determine length and angle of each line segment
  mutate(length = sqrt(1 + change^2),
         angle = atan(change),
         angled = angle*180/pi) %>%
  # copy each row ten times
  slice(rep(1:nrow(.), each = reps)) %>%
  group_by(game, play_number) %>%
  mutate(idx = row_number()) %>%
  # gradually reduce the angle in each row copy
  mutate(angled_new = (reps-idx)/(reps-1)*angled) %>%
  mutate(angle_new = angled_new*pi/180) %>%
  arrange(idx, play_number) %>%
  group_by(game, idx) %>%
  # use sine and cosine to determine the new x and y coordinates
  mutate(newx = coalesce(lag(cos(angle_new)*length), play_number),
         newy = coalesce(lag(sin(angle_new)*length), homeWinPercentage)) %>%
  # accumulate these differences to get final location
  mutate(new_play_number = cumsum(newx),
         new_wp = cumsum(newy))

Here’s what pulling the slack out of a single play looks like, courtesy of gganimate:

p <- plays_flattened %>%
  filter(play_number %in% 1:2) %>%
  ggplot(aes(new_play_number, new_wp)) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_bw() +
        axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
  labs(y = "Win Probability", x = "Play Number") +

animate(p, nframes = 150, fps = 25, start_pause = 50, end_pause = 50)

And here’s how it looks when you do all plays simultaneously:

p <- plays_flattened %>%
  ggplot(aes(new_play_number, new_wp)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 100), breaks = c(0, 50, 100)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, max(plays_flattened$new_play_number) + 50)) +
  theme_bw() +
        axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
  labs(y = "Win Probability") +

animate(p, nframes = 150, fps = 25, start_pause = 50, end_pause = 50)

Okay let’s spice this up a little bit. We’re going to do multiple games at once, pull in some logos, and make it so that the final straight line lands on the winning team, which we’ll accomplish my gradually moving the y-component toward 1 or 0, depending on who won the game.

best_games <- game_EI %>% filter(season == "Postseason") %>% head(5)

plays_flattened <- all_plays %>%
  inner_join(best_games) %>%
  arrange(desc(ExcitementIndex)) %>%
  # ensures the're in decscending excitement order on the facet
  mutate(score_text = factor(score_text, levels = unique(.$score_text))) %>%
  group_by(game) %>%
  # same process as before
  mutate(homeWinPercentage = 100*homeWinPercentage) %>%
  mutate(change = (lead(homeWinPercentage) - homeWinPercentage)) %>%
  mutate(length = sqrt(1 + change^2),
         angle = atan(change),
         angled = angle*180/pi) %>%
  slice(rep(1:nrow(.), each = reps)) %>%
  group_by(game, play_number) %>%
  mutate(idx = row_number()) %>%
  mutate(angled_new = (reps-idx)/(reps-1)*angled) %>%
  mutate(angle_new = angled_new*pi/180) %>%
  arrange(idx, play_number) %>%
  group_by(game, idx) %>%
  mutate(newx = coalesce(lag(cos(angle_new)*length), play_number),
         newy = coalesce(lag(sin(angle_new)*length), homeWinPercentage)) %>%
  mutate(new_play_number = cumsum(newx),
         new_wp = cumsum(newy)) %>%
  # now we gradually move the line up toward 1 or 0
  group_by(game, play_number) %>%
  mutate(new_wp_adj = case_when(
    winner == "home" ~ new_wp + (idx-1)/(reps-1)*(100-new_wp),
    winner == "away" ~ new_wp + (idx-1)/(reps-1)*(-new_wp),
    winner == "tie" ~ new_wp + (idx-1)/(reps-1)*(50-new_wp))
    ) %>%

p <- plays_flattened %>%
  ggplot(aes(new_play_number, new_wp_adj)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-20, 120), breaks = c(0, 50, 100)) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-150, max(plays_flattened$new_play_number) + 50)) +
  facet_wrap(~score_text, ncol = 1) +
  theme_bw() +
        axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) +
  labs(y = "Win Probability",
       title = "Most Exciting Postseason Games Since 2016")

The annotation_custom2 function from this Stack Overflow post allows us to add the team logos to individual facets:

annotation_custom2 <- function (grob, xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf, data){ 
    layer(data = data, stat = StatIdentity, position = PositionIdentity, 
          geom = ggplot2:::GeomCustomAnn,
          inherit.aes = TRUE, params = list(grob = grob, 
                                            xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, 
                                            ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax))}

for (gm in best_games$game){
  away_img <- best_games %>% filter(game == gm) %>% pull(away_logo) %>% getURLContent() %>% readPNG()
  home_img <- best_games %>% filter(game == gm) %>% pull(home_logo) %>% getURLContent() %>% readPNG()

  away_annotation <- annotation_custom2(rasterGrob(away_img, interpolate=TRUE), xmin = -150, xmax = -10, ymin = -20, ymax = 40,
                                        data = plays_flattened %>% filter(game == gm))

  home_annotation <- annotation_custom2(rasterGrob(home_img, interpolate=TRUE), xmin = -150, xmax = -10, ymin = 60, ymax = 120,
                                        data = plays_flattened %>% filter(game == gm))

  p <- p + away_annotation + home_annotation

p <- p + transition_time(idx)

animate(p, nframes = 150, fps = 25, start_pause = 30, end_pause = 50)

Now that’s a good looking GIF!